Update on the Machebeuf Ball Field Redevelopment

United Properties is proposing a senior housing project on the Machebeuf Ball Field at 8890 East Lowry Blvd. There have been several meetings regarding the rezoning. Here is a link to video of the most recent virtual meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 7 at which the East Park community met with the proposed senior living development team at United Properties this week to learn more about the proposed development and ask questions regarding the building site plans and potential increase in traffic safety issues once the development is complete. 

The next step in this proposed development process will be the public hearing with City Council. This meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on Monday, January 10, 2022. Here’s the link to join in and provide comments:

Password: Denver
To call in to listen: 720-928-9299 enter 960 0657 7923 for the webinar ID.