There is an important movement taking place right here in Lowry. This is the first brick and mortar location for the Girl Scout DreamLab. Lowry was selected from all the neighborhoods in the country, because of our sense of community, demographics, neighborhood layout, public transportation, and more.
I am sure most of you have driven by the Girl Scout DreamLab and thought that is a nice thing for local girl scouts, but what a limited market. I know I did. Then I stopped in with my granddaughter one day and found a wonderful community resource with high tech.

Pictured are the welcoming group who contributed to this article. These women are super smart, highly skilled and dedicated. They are waiting to meet you!
The Lowry Lowdown on this establishment is beyond expectations. All available to the public for free or a low fee accessible to most. You don’t have to be a Girl Scout, or a girl, and no membership is required.
- FREE – Walk in with your kids to do crafts, play with educational toys, pretend to camp, play on the stage, and more – Monday – Friday from 1 to 4 p.m.
- Reserve Space – Birthday Parties, Gathering Space, ColLABoration Station, Friendship Room
- FREE use of the Podcast Studio with assistance
- Reserve conference room space
- June Public Events: Soccer Watch Party, Pride Celebration, Final Friday Indoor Campout
- July Public Events: Art Gallery Opening (13th), Family Fun Summer STEM (14th), Final Friday Paint & Sip (26th), Learn Ukulele (July & August dates)
The Girl Scouts of Today
I was a Girl Scout from Brownies to Juniors (through elementary school and middle school). During that time in the 50s & 60s women could not open a bank account, serve on jury duty, practice law, attend a military academy, breastfeed in public, take birth control pills, be an astronaut, go to an Ivy League university, take time off to have a baby, live with a boyfriend, marry another woman, become president, adopt a baby as a single mother and get a mortgage. It was also legal to discriminate against women based on gender. The list is longer if you would like to do a search.
Today, Girl Scouts are addressing the important issues of our time, and the girls are exposed to activities and exercises that take them on journeys that go wide and deep. They think independently and work collaboratively to get to the heart of telling a specific story. Storytelling is a valuable tool in addressing issues concerning topics like belonging, social media, bullying, body image, suicide, listening, leadership, creativity, teamwork, and finding purpose and passion. Today, girls have the freedoms women did not have in the 50s & 60s, but they continue to work hard to make the world a better place.
My Interview with Colorado Girl Scout, Juliette

I asked Juliette what the most important thing was that she got out of her Girl Scout experience. I don’t think I have met a more articulate young person.
“For me, Girl Scouts opened new doors. I think of it like a delta when water travels to lakes, other rivers, oceans, or land. The delta is all about change as you follow new paths and take new journeys.”
Juliette knows herself well and she has opened herself to people, situations, and places. Her confidence and leadership qualities are clear to all that get the pleasure of meeting this beautiful human being. Nature versus nurture? Both, of course, but Juliette’s Girl Scout experience has played a major role in her life. She recited the Mission and Law from memory.
Girl Scouts of the USA – Mission:
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
Girl Scouts of the USA – Law:
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority, use resources wisely,
make the world a better place,
and be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Girl Scouts of the USA – Four Pillars
- Life Skills
- Outdoors
- Entrepreneurship
- STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math
Girl Scouts of the USA –
Girl Scouts of Colorado –
The Girl Scout DreamLab is open to the public
Check their Event Brite Calendar –
Paper calendars available at the DreamLab location – 63 N Quebec St Suite 104 Denver, CO 80224
Plenty of parking above and below ground.
Here are just some of the things you will see at the Girl Scout DreamLab. Please come and check it out. The Boutique – The Climbing Wall – Collaboration Space – Gathering Space – The Kitchen

Lowry Lowdown is a monthly article written by Lowry resident Judy Rough who brings us good information about places and goings-on in our community. You can reach her at