The day after Thanksgiving there was a special “Friendsgiving” dinner at the Volunteers of America (VOA) Boulevard One Residences.

This was part of the work that Judy Rough and LUN have been doing with the VOA residents. Judy has been teaching classes and providing one-on-one sessions to residents every Monday. To celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, she organized a complete community dinner with turkey, ham and all the sides including pie and ice cream. Mercy Music organized a drumming circle for the kids and provided live music during dinner. There was also a crafts table for the kids.

Contributions for the dinner came from LUN and the Lowry Foundation. Cat Holmes and several other LUN Board members made contributions and volunteered their time. Helping Judy was Jennifer Neptune the VOA Family Services Coordinator on site.
This is part of LUN’s effort to reach out to all members of Lowry to create a more inclusive neighborhood and build a stronger sense of community at the Boulevard One Residences. According to Jennifer Neptune, Judy’s work and the dinner have significantly increased community participation among the VOA residents.
One of the Boulevard One residents, chef Steven Holabird, contributed an amazing appetizer sculpture tray.

Friday, Dec 16, Judy Rough will help the community of Boulevard One Residences celebrate the holidays with a cookie decorating party followed by gifts donated to the children from generous Lowry residents.