Alternatives to Traditional Grass Lawns

Here is a list of resources to help you learn more and put into action alternatives to traditional grass lawns. Not only will these methods save you money, but they will also aid in water conservation and support local pollinators!

  • Check out this article from Denver Water highlighting water-wise gardens in Denver
  • Purchase a Garden in a Box from Boulder based Resource Central as an easy way to switch to low-water gardening.  
  • Lawn Removal Service discounts are available through Resource Central if you’re ready to ditch grass turf.  
  • Slow the Flow is a consultation program offered by Resource Central to educate community members on outdoor sprinkler systems and water efficiency.  
  • Free Webinars are available from Resource Central that provide water-wise information on how to use less water

House Bill 22-1151 has been introduced to the state legislature which will create measures to incentivize water-wise landscapes and assist in financing voluntary replacement of irrigated turf.